Emmanuel Aguda – Head, Stakeholders’ Management
Emmanuel Aguda is a seasoned accountant and an astute administrator with a career spanning over 24 years and significant professional experience in accounting, administration, pension, treasury management, investments, banking and finance.
In addition to his background as a professional accountant, he is highly proficient in strategic planning and relationship management. Before his redeployment as the Head, Stakeholders Management, he was the Assistant General Manager, Finance and Administration.
He holds an HND in Accountancy & Finance from the prestigious Yaba College of Technology and an MBA from Lagos State University. He is a Fellow Member, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria and Association of Forensic Accounting Researchers. He is also an Associate Member of the Nigerian Institute of Management, Certified Pension Institute of Nigeria, Chartered Institute of Arbitration and Chartered Institute of Forensics and Certified Fraud Investigators of Nigeria.
Prior to his employment as an Internal Auditor, Lekki Worldwide Investments Limited, he was the Treasurer, ED&F Man Nigeria Limited and subsequently, Head, Financial Control & Strategy, a Senior Management role at Citiserve Microfinance Bank Limited.